What Is a Beverly Jog feature on a home?

Often times, while we are conducting home inspections here in New Hampshire, we encounter peculiar features on the homes we inspect. So the other day we came across an old home – almost 250 years old. In fact, this particular home is said to be one of the oldest, if not the oldest home in […]

The Function of Curtains

Recently, I’ve had some conversations / arguments with my wife about the function of curtains, and it occurred to me that this subject might make an interesting blog topic. My wife was convinced that curtains were only good for one thing – decoration. And as far as modern standards are concerned, she’s not mistaken. But […]

What is a Department of Energy Score?

Understanding Your Home Energy Score After receiving your Home Energy Score, you may have some questions about what it means and how to improve your score. While your Home Energy Score Assessor will know the most about your score and your home, the information provided here gives additional background about the Home Energy Score. Your […]

Safe Home PDF Book

HVAC Maintenance Guide

Is a loose toilet a big deal?

Here’s an issue that we see in 90% of home inspections – Loose Toilets. It sounds silly, but it’s true! We literally see this condition all the time! So is this item a big deal in the great scheme of a home inspection? The answer is no – most of the time. Usually, the fix […]

Reasons why you should never waive a home inspection

What’s in my Popcorn Ceilings? It sure isn’t popcorn!